Green Island Challenge Protects Yellow-naped Amazons in Guanaja

Green Island Challenge Protects Yellow-naped Amazons in Guanaja

Inspiring the Next Generation: On the island of Guanaja in the Bay Islands, Honduras, @greenislandchallenge is inspiring change for the Critically Endangered Yellow-naped Amazon through the power of education.

Green Island Challenge has expanded its education program this year. 7 out of the 8 schools on the island are now participating in island-specific lessons focused on the environment, parrots, and fostering a deeper connection to the land around them. This growing engagement underscores the importance of environmental education, not just among the youth, but also among adults eager to share knowledge and take action.

In addition to their educational efforts, Green Island Challenge is working hard to protect the wild population of Yellow-naped Amazons through poaching patrols, nest box installations and parrot counts. We look forward to sharing more about these initiatives soon. What began as a grassroots collective has grown into a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the Yellow-headed Amazon from its greatest threat: trafficking for the illegal pet trade.

Here, school children are learning firsthand about the devastating impacts wildlife trafficking can have on a population and the need to safeguard their island’s unique species.

With support from the World Parrot Trust, Green Island Challenge is able to further its vital conservation efforts and protect these parrots.