This year marks the 20th anniversary of World Parrot Day, a global celebration dedicated to honouring and protecting these remarkable birds. Since its founding in 2004, World Parrot Day has brought together individuals, conservationists, and organizations worldwide to celebrate parrots and raise awareness of the critical threats they face. For this special milestone, we’re thrilled to host our largest celebration yet, with initiatives, events, and global partnerships aimed at making a lasting impact for parrots everywhere.
Launching Symbolic Parrot Adoption Kits
In celebration of our anniversary, we’ve launched our new Symbolic Parrot Adoption Kits. These adoptions allow supporters to symbolically welcome a parrot from the Kiwa Centre—a sanctuary established in 2017 to rescue parrots from challenging conditions—into their lives. Each beloved parrot up for adoption shares their own unique story of resilience. By adopting, supporters contribute directly to the care of these parrots, fueling our broader conservation efforts. Explore Symbolic Parrot Adoption Kits in our estore.
Global Efforts from Our Partners
WPT Partners across Oceania, Indonesia, Africa, and Latin America joined the celebration, spotlighting their own endangered parrot species such as the Kākāpō, Yellow-naped Amazon, and Ultramarine Lorikeet. These teams engage in essential work, from nest monitoring and habitat restoration to combating wildlife trafficking, showcasing their commitment to parrot conservation worldwide.
Looking Ahead
We are incredibly grateful for everyone who made this World Parrot Day celebration so impactful. With nearly one in three parrot species facing extinction, our mission is far from over. But with the ongoing support of our community and partners, we’re building a brighter future for these birds. Here’s to many more years of celebrating and protecting parrots worldwide!
Thank you for supporting this incredible journey. Together, we’re making a lasting difference for parrots. Happy 20th Anniversary, World Parrot Day!