Uniting to Stop Parrot Trafficking

Confiscated Alexandrine Parakeet chicks await rescue
© Earth Crusaders Organisation

United for Wildlife, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GITOC), International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Asia for Animals Coalition, Animals Asia, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Alliance to Counter Crime Online (ACCO), World Animal Protection (WAP), Wildlife Trust of India, United States Department of Justice, Center for Environment, Forest Conservation and Research (CENFOR), Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition, Wildlife Impact

Fighting illegal wildlife trade requires a multi-faceted approach through collaborations across the world. The World Parrot Trust cultivates these partnerships to engage in research, advocacy, networking, and direct technical and logistical support for law enforcement and rescue staff involved in the front-line work of saving parrots from trafficking.

The WPT has carried out research understanding the mechanisms of trade, understanding trafficking routes, and uncovering economic incentives for trapping and dealing in wild parrots, particularly in the realm of social media. The World Parrot Trust is deeply involved in lobbying for stronger protections for parrots, including pushing for stronger penalties for violators. And on an ongoing basis the WPT provides specialised training for law enforcement and rescue staff to detect and safely manage parrots caught in the trade.