Region: Neotropics

In the diverse landscapes of the Neotropics, which encompass Central and South America as well as the Caribbean, a rich tapestry of animals and plants lives. The region boasts a range of habitats from tropical and subtropical forests, both dry and humid, to desert shrublands, coniferous woodlands, and sprawling savannas. In these landscapes, an astonishing variety of parrot species thrives, each unique and integral to the ecological balance.

Across many Neotropical nations, the burden of extensive poaching for the pet trade has left many parrot populations decimated and struggling to recover. An additional threat to the environment and its inhabitants is rampant deforestation driven by agricultural expansion and logging. Mature trees, vital for nesting and food resources, are vanishing at an alarming rate and leaving these vibrant birds vulnerable.

Illegal wildlife trade still inflicts untold suffering on individual parrots and causes the decline or disappearance of entire wild populations. These birds, captured and sold as pets, endure harrowing conditions, with many not surviving the ordeal. Likewise, the looming menace of climate change casts a long shadow over their future: with droughts, hurricanes and brush fires escalating in frequency and intensity, parrots confront a direct and existential threat to their survival.

In the face of these challenges, our responsibility to protect and preserve these remarkable birds and their habitats is more critical than ever.

The World Parrot Trust engages local communities, NGOs and governments by leading or supporting numerous conservation projects:

Increasing populations and protecting habitat

Carrying out breeding-for-release programs to boost wild populations
Protecting nest sites and chicks from poachers
Supplementing / medically treating chicks that need support
Increasing breeding success for wild birds by installing nest boxes and managing breeding populations
Training local people to manage and prevent brush fires
Protecting and restoring critical wild habitat

Fighting wildlife trafficking

Rescuing parrots caught in the trade or other human-wildlife conflict
Engaging local people in sustainable parrot-related activities instead of trapping
Educating communities on the threats to parrots
Helping to build rehabilitation capacity and provide training to care staff
Building networks with local authorities to help fight trade

Join us in our efforts to protect these endangered birds. Learn more about how you can contribute to their conservation. Together we can make a difference.


Discover the long-term efforts the World Parrot Trust is supporting in Neotropics.