The iconic Yellow-naped Amazon is critically endangered and the poaching of young chicks for both local and international trade is devastating the species.
These popular parrots are native to dry forests and mangrove habitats along the Pacific coast, stretching from southern Mexico to northern Costa Rica.
With support from the World Parrot Trust (WPT), Funzel is conducting research on a small population of Yellow-naped Amazons on Isla Tasajera, El Salvador.
 The Funzel team navigates the challenging terrain of the mangrove habitat, manoeuvring through endless roots and adapting to tide changes to locate and monitor Yellow-naped Amazon nests in the area.
Regrettably, this area is a hotspot for poaching, with evidence of traffickers already found. To help deter poachers and gather vital breeding behavior data, camera traps have been installed and are monitored during regular research trips to the area.
WPT has been supporting in-country partners to conduct essential research and protection efforts for Yellow-naped Amazons since 2007.