Happy Healthy Parrot
Parrots are intelligent, charismatic and beautiful, but also sensitive and demanding. As pets they are a BIG responsibility! With over 400 species, parrots vary greatly in size, habits and diet.
So, learn all that you can about your parrot...
Find out where in the world your species comes from, what kind of habitat it would live in, how it would behave and what it would eat if it lived in the wild.
Hi! I am your pet parrot, and this is what I need...
A BIG Home
I need room to move about, exercise and stretch my wings. Plus more room to keep my toys, branches, food and water. Please get me the BIGGEST cage possible.
Air Space
If my cage is really big, I may be able to fly from one end to the other. This is good, but a flight around a safe room (windows covered, no cats!) will be better. Many pet owners ask their vets to clip our wing feathers if we're not in a safe environment for flying.
The Right Diet
Variety, that's what I need. Not just seeds or pellets, but fruit and veggies too. Ask your veterinarian or pet store for advice on diets and supplements.
Branches to Chew
In the wild I'd be chewing all the time, so please give me fresh bird-safe branches once or twice a week. Apple, willow, sycamore - yummy!
I need lots of water to keep my feathers in good condition. In the rain forest I'd bathe in the treetops, but you can give me a lovely shower with warm water twice a week.
If I were a wild bird I'd be forever active in the forest. I'm intelligent, inquisitive and just plain nosy. So please give me interesting toys to keep my brain, claws and beak busy.
Company(human or bird)
Every parrot needs a friend. If I haven't got a parrot pal, a human being will be OK, but I MUST have a lot of attention. Talk to me, feed me sensible tid-bits, play with me. I'm like a bright child who never grows up!
An Aviary(the ultimate luxury)
If you can manage it, an indoor or sheltered outdoor aviary would give me a superior quality of life. Plenty of space - sheer bliss!
My Own Doctor
Remember, I am a wild animal, and have special medical needs. Find me an avian veterinarian who's an expert in keeping parrots happy and healthy. An annual 'well-bird exam' is a good idea.
Brochure (PDF)
Download a copy of the Happy Healthy Parrot brochure
Please Note - advice in this section is based on our experience, but we accept no specific legal responsibility.
If your parrot is ill, always consult a qualified vet.