Status: IUCN Near Threatened / CITES Appendix II
Population: As few as 290,000 individuals.
Range: Occurs in NC Tanzania, reaching E Rwanda and Burundi as an occasional visitor. Introduced to Tanga and Dar es Salaam, coastal Tanzania and at Mombasa, Nairobi, Athi River, Naivasha, and Isiolo, Kenya.
Natural history: These lovebirds are found from 1100 to 2200 m (3608-7216 ft) in wooded grasslands with Acacia and Commiphora trees, savanna and more open grasslands. They are also seen in agricultural areas and found in riverine woodland during the dry season. They eat grass seed, millet and maize, as well as seeds of Acacia, fallen berries and fruits. Fischers’ are often found near water in small groups outside the breeding season, and where food is abundant will gather in more substantial flocks. Roosts in Rufous-tailed Weaver nests. Breeding is from January to July; uses a nest cavity in dead trees, also sometimes in cliffs.