Avian experts continue to see poor nutrition as the cause of many serious illnesses in parrots.
This book offers articles from experts on the importance of raw, whole foods, the nutritional powerhouse of soaking and sprouting, avian teas, safe and toxic foods, pellets: pros and cons, a nutritional list, and much more.
A Parrot’s Fine Cuisine Cookbook & Nutritional Guide will give you insights into the evolving topics of avian nutrition. Join the authors in their mission to raise the bar of parrot health through increased dietary diversity. You will also find over 60 unique and healthy recipes, created with love and passion to offer the best we can in avian nutrition.
A Parrot’s Fine Cuisine Cookbook is a beautiful book with full-color photos, illustrations or graphs on almost every page.
Click here to purchase your copy on Amazon »
Authors: Karmen Budai, Shean Pao.
ISBN: 1732320608
Pages: 122
Dimensions: 20.3 x 0.7 x 25.4 cm (8 in x 10 in)
Publisher: Quietlight Productions Inc.
Release Date: 2018-05-08
EAN: 9781732320604